Official Sobriety Test for Elected Officials and Candidates
Please note: This Sobriety Checkpoint is only for current elected officials or candidates for elected office.
This simple pro-democracy affirmation verifies you are not too "under the influence" of corporate donors and power-brokers to be safely behind the wheel of democracy. Share it, explore the Quit Cold Turkey Amendment background concepts, or take the next steps toward our recovery.
Only your official email can be used to verify your test results.
The Sobriety Test
As an elected official and/or candidate for elected office, I hereby publicly commit, in my official capacity as a representative of constituents and supporters, to sponsor/co-sponsor and vote to ratify the language of an amendment to the constitution of the United States of America which guarantees, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that:
1. Corporations are not people.
Corporations are not persons, but are property as regulated artificial entities, asserting, therefore, that no money, goods or services are protected "free speech" in our system.
2. Elections are publicly, not privately, financed:
All United States electoral campaigns, and any electioneering efforts on behalf of any candidate(s), are and will be guaranteed to be only publicly financed or otherwise ensure to each citizen that no funding will be permitted if it might create more influence over any candidate(s) -before, during or after an election- than any other individual citizen has over a candidate, hereby affirming that US elections are only and equally citizen-owned.
I hereby commit to facilitate during my term, in every way legally afforded me, the full passage of this amendment language, or its equivalent in effect, into law for the purposes of ratification, and to vote to ratify these constitutional guarantees when possible and as soon as possible during my term.
Simply submit your official information and response below.
Upon officially committing here, in your elected capacity, you are proving to constituents that you are in control, not in denial, and that you are sober enough in your relationship to the substances of corporate power and money in politics to make this clear, simple, and clean pro-democracy commitment to recovery.
We will record your commitment above as your solemnly sworn sober testimony that your choices and actions are indeed not controlled by the addiction to corporate power and money in politics or by enabling relationship(s) to others suffering from wealth and power addiction.
I'm not ready. I have more questions - FAQs
What happens if I fail the test?
What happens if I skip the test?
Resources for sufferers
Compassion-centered support for enablers or addicted sufferers is available. We call this an addiction because it has all the characteristics of an addiction, up to and including ongoing suffering of the addict. We've found resources to help. Regardless of demands from corporate cartels, lobbyist pushers, or party distributors, interventionists want what is best for all of us. Sometimes that means checking politicians out of power and into rehab. Resources for sufferers
We wish you well and wellness in ending our relationship to the addiction system together. Thank you for taking the first step.
Yours in Recovery,
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