Our Volunteers in These 5 States Need Your Help

Our members know the reasons we do not endorse candidates. They know the reasons why we are a face-to-face organization, not a screen-to-screen performance. There are, of course, some differences between the one million non-voters in the US who have already decided to vote when they meet a National Intervention volunteer in their neighborhood. 

But, one thing almost all people who've quit voting report is this:
They don't trust anyone who would run for office.

And trust is the issue. People break-up with candidates, with our entire political system, because, in many ways, and in the experience of many in the US, it has simply been a toxic, co-dependent relationship. When someone uses and abuses the power you give them against you, you tend to sour on that relationship.

That's why even the most dedicated candidates with the best platforms and the most diligent ground games, the ones who knock every door and talk with every constituent, can only get 5% of those who don't vote to show up to the next election. Here's the thing: Our volunteers still activate over 65% of those who otherwise will not vote when just one candidate on their ballot is not too "under the influence" to be safely behind the wheel of democracy.

It's also why National Intervention doesn't want to appear "slick" online. We don't support a digital presence in place of an inter-personal community presence because we know that non-voters don't feel very trusting of the same old cookie-cutter look and feel of campaigns that look heavily-funded. Why? Because it begs the question, "Who exactly is behind all that funding?".

Not surprisingly, the near-total control over our elections of deep, dark money in politics has only served to solidify both our national mistrust and the erosion of our shared truth. And right now, there are electoral races all over the country between two kinds of candidates:

a) Those who have proven to us that they are not "under the influence" of corporate power and money in politics, and

b) Those who say they are free from that influence, but can't or won't prove it.

Perhaps the common ground, the shared truth, that does bring together almost all US constituents, is the profound desire to simply remove powerful moneyed influence from our government. And maybe that's why more candidates than ever have decided to pass our Sobriety Test, ignoring the long-standing demands of their party's commitment to the corporate masters who bankroll their campaigns.

Passing our test isn't what brings our democracy a true recovery from greed addiction.
What makes that happen is an intervention, and that means working together to draw strong boundaries together.
And that means volunteers knocking on doors to have real conversations with those who otherwise wouldn't know there was a candidate on their ballot worth their vote.

This is what undermines the power of nonstop ad spending. We only undermine what's on every screen, billboard, mailer, and airwave when we connect to one another and realize we share the common need for a system free from the addiction to power and money in politics. If you long for a way to neutralize the sheer volume of constant paid-ads around every corner from which non-voters have already tuned-out, and then get those folks to the polls, then this is our plea to you:

We need you to join our volunteers and/or support them with the resources they need to meet this massive bloc of citizens in this country who can (but otherwise won't) vote.

Remote participation is possible.
Most importantly, though:

If you are, or can be, physically in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, or Arizona, sign-up to join those doing the work of recovery for our democracy. If you're unable to pick up a packet and learn how to effectively, safely connect with the more than 50% of those who don't vote in these states, then please do consider contributing to our Emergency Democracy Fund so that we can provide the basics to those who will brave any conditions to make sure 65% of non-voters can commit to participating in this election, and our recovery, instead.